4 Smart Watermelon Centerpiece Ideas for Crafty DIY-ers

Watermelon fruit bowl

A nice, cool slice of watermelon on a hot day is something many people can appreciate. The juicy fruit also makes an ideal centerpiece for a summer get-together or Fourth of July party. No matter what your level of craftiness, you can create a watermelon centerpiece that will highlight your summer table.

Four Watermelon Centerpiece Ideas

These centerpieces range from simple to complex in structure. All use additional fruit, and a few are meant to be used as a serving bowl for their contents at the end of the meal.

Simple Watermelon Fruit Bowl

This simple centerpiece uses a watermelon to hold whole pieces of fruit.


  • Large, oblong or oval watermelon
  • Paring knife
  • Several pieces of whole fruit including apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, grapes, cherries or kiwis


  1. Make a single cut from end to end across the watermelon, approximately half the depth of the fruit.
  2. Make a second cut starting at the same point as the first, arching up the watermelon by about four to five inches before coming back down to join the first cut at the other side of the melon.
  3. Remove the slice of melon to reveal the watermelon's interior.
  4. Stuff the cut in the melon full of whole pieces of fruit, placing the largest pieces in the center and working outward to smaller pieces of fruit like cherries or grapes.

Fourth of July Serving Bowl

Watermelon serving bowl

Use the watermelon as a serving bowl for a red, white and blue dessert this Fourth of July.


  • Round or oblong watermelon
  • Edible marker
  • Long paring knife
  • Ice cream or melon scoop
  • Blue berries
  • Strawberries
  • Shredded coconut


  1. Cut a thin slice off of the bottom of the melon to create a flat area so the melon can rest upright.
  2. Draw a zig zagged pattern around the perimeter of the melon to create a jagged path.
  3. Insert the knife deep into the melon on each piece of the jagged line until the melon has been sliced into two halves, each with the top edge showing a serrated pattern.
  4. Scoop out the center of the bottom half of the melon with the ice cream scoop or melon baller. Set aside 2/3 of the melon for fruit salad or another use.
  5. Mix together the remaining watermelon with hulled strawberries, blueberries and shredded coconut.
  6. Fill the watermelon cavity with the melon and berry mixture.

Watermelon Diorama

This is a whimsical centerpiece that can be modified for children or adults.


  • Large, oblong watermelon
  • Knife
  • Melon scoop
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Broccoli spears
  • Black olive slices
  • Thin slices of egg white from the end of a hardboiled egg
  • Other fruits and vegetables as your imagination dictates
  • Toothpicks


  1. Slice the watermelon so that approximately 3/4 of the fruit remains and 1/4 is taken away.
  2. Use the melon scoop to remove the innards of the larger section of fruit to hollow it out.
  3. Pare off a very thin section of the bottom of melon so that it lays flat, horizontally.
  4. Drape thin, solid sections of egg white onto the front, upper section of a lemon and anchor olive rings in the center of the egg whites using toothpicks to give the lemon large eyes. Do the same for the lime.
  5. Use toothpicks to give the lemon and lime "legs" so that they sit propped up on four toothpicks each, about an inch from the table.
  6. Break the broccoli spears up and use them to decorate the lemon and lime. Use the busy parts of the broccoli to give the lemon and lime "hair" anchoring them in place with toothpicks. The broccoli spears can also form wings or tails. Let your imagination help you decorate the citrus fruit in fun or whimsical ways.
  7. Place the finished creations inside their watermelon cave.

Watermelon Birdcage

This centerpiece is elegant, yet whimsical and makes a fun party accent.


  • Large round watermelon
  • Knife
  • 12 thin wooden skewers
  • 2 lemons
  • Sesame seeds
  • Large maraschino cherry
  • Toothpicks


  1. Slice a small, thin section off the bottom of the watermelon so it sits up vertically.
  2. Slice a larger piece, approximately 1-inch thick from the top of the watermelon and set aside.
  3. Slice off an additional 1 to 2-inches of watermelon from the base.
  4. Use the knife to remove the rind from the inner portion of melon cut away.
  5. Cut the rind into six, small triangles.
  6. Use toothpicks to attach one triangle to the back of each lemon, to act as a bird's tail.
  7. Attach two additional triangles to each lemon, one on each side as wings.
  8. Insert two toothpicks into the bottom of each lemon bird, so they extend down about one and a half inches.
  9. Press the toothpicks extending from the lemons about 1/2-inch down into the center of the standing section of watermelon. Scatter some sesame seeds at the feet of the birds.
  10. Push skewers into the top of the watermelon at the very edge so they surround the perimeter of the standing melon with the lemon birds inside.
  11. Take the top pieces of melon that was originally removed and anchor a maraschino cherry to the center of the top with a toothpick.
  12. Press the bottom edge of the top slice onto the tops of the wooden skewers firmly to form the top of the birdcage.

Tips for Working with Melon

Always choose the freshest melon with no soft areas and a clear, green color. Remember that once sliced open, the melon will not remain fresh for long, so make your centerpiece within a couple of hours of your gathering.

To help maintain the non-edible centerpieces longer, brush them with lemon juice shortly after cutting to help prevent browning of the fruit.

Make Yours Today

Watermelon centerpieces are the perfect summer table accent. From simple to complex, give a try at creating a watermelon masterpiece of your own.

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4 Smart Watermelon Centerpiece Ideas for Crafty DIY-ers