The best neutral paint colors to use in your home can range from warm white to hues with hints of blue or pink. The hue intensity in a paint color determines its level of neutrality in a room design.
Medium Pewter
A slightly darker gray color can be used on walls to create a more dramatic but neutral paint choice. You can use stark white or a soft gray for the trim. If you opt for a stark white, the contrast will create a dramatic effect.
Playing Up the Neutral Pewter Color
You may decide to use the pewter color on the wall above a chair rail or wainscoting and paint the lower half of the wall in a semi-gloss white for a more dynamic room. You can also use this soft darker gray for an accent wall for the bedroom wall with the bed or living room wall.

Gray Brown
A warm gray has undertones of brown that makes it a great neutral color to use with darker browns that have undertones of gray. This wall color can be used with darker furnishings, such as a brown upholstered bed and a matching color in the draperies.
Accent Colors
You can also use bright white accent colors in bed linens. This color palette is ideal for introducing a pop of color for a dramatic bedroom design. Cobalt blue or crimson red accent pieces, such as ceramic lamps, wall art, a comforter, upholstered chair, and a few art objects placed about the room will give this type of room design added dimension.

Warm Ivory
Warm ivory with undertones of yellow will create a very cozy room. You can use rich colors in this room, such as golds, reds, oranges, and browns. A living room or bedroom located in the north part of your home is an ideal candidate for this wall color, A north room gets the least amount of light and tends to be the coldest room in a home, so using warm colors can help the ambiance of the room.

Warm Taupe
A warm taupe has undertones of brown giving a cozy feeling that is contrasted with soft cream white trim. The combination creates a lush feeling of a relaxing room. When used with beadboard painted the same soft cream white as the trim, the transition of colors is smooth and elegant. When used in a bathroom, the colors create a sophisticated spa-like atmosphere.

Pink Tan
You might not think of pink as being a neutral color but the right undertones of tan/brown, this otherwise vibrant color is muted into a soft pale hue. The pink in this color comes out when room furnishings of pink, brown and gold are added.
Subtle Room Color
You can use this subtle color in a bedroom, living room, dining room, or bathroom that you wish to have a hint of pink that is highlighted with fabrics for draperies and upholstery. You can play up the bolder colors as much or as little as you like for a smooth and easy transition of colors throughout the room or a bright bold design statement.

Dark Gray Green
A dark gray color with undertones of green can be a neutral color for a more vibrant color palette. You can use a brown-gray with hints of yellow and greens, reds and/or blues with this type of neutral wall color. You can select fabrics with deep hues of red and green in floral or paid patterns for upholstery, draperies and pillows, or go with a vining pattern and an accent color. You can make a design like this pop with a bright yellow or marigold accent color for fabrics and art objects.

Light Gray
A favorite neutral paint color for homes is a light gray. This cool color can be used with other cool colors, such as blues, grays and greens. You can use this color in every room of your home or a single room. You can transition this color into other rooms by choosing a color from the cool palette or select a dark gray to carry your color scheme deeper into your home. Trim this color with a stark contrasting white or opt for a darker gray to give a dark to light contrast.

Selecting the Best Neutral Paint Colors for Your Home
Neutral paint colors can provide a slight color to build your color palette for your home. Before deciding on a neutral color for your home, you should consider the overall ambiance you want for your home.