Planning Your Toddler Boy's Bedroom: Ideas & Inspiration


Toddler boy's bedroom décor can be a little tricky to get right -- as you try to balance function and design for your little one, in a room that is fun for him but also looks great as part of your home. To tackle this interior design task, however, you should approach it as you would any interior design job, whether for kids or grown-ups. With the right planning and a little bit of inspiration, your toddler boy's bedroom décor will be something you can be proud of.

Planning your Interior Design Project

To get your toddler boy's bedroom décor project off the ground, you will need to do a little planning. Go through the following steps to make sure your project goes off without a hitch:

  • Decide how large your project really is - Do you have a room for your toddler that just needs a face lift, or is there some remodeling that needs to be done? If you're going to be doing any knocking down of walls or ripping up of carpets, then make absolutely sure you know what you're doing before you get started - and if there is any doubt, by all means, consult with a professional.
  • Choose a theme - Going off half cocked and decorating a little bit here and a little bit there is a good way to end up with a room that just doesn't come together - not to mention a major bill for all of the odds and ends you pick up. Choosing a general theme around which you build your room is a good way to get focused and stay on task (more on specific theme ideas below).
  • Set a budget (and stick to it) - Interior design projects can bleed your wallet dry. It is so tempting to pick up this and that in the stores, especially when you're shopping for accessories, but avoid that temptation at all cost. Spend wisely, not freely, and you'll feel much better about the finished product.
  • Consider your toddler's needs - While the steps listed above apply to any design project, when decorating for a child, you need to consider the needs specific to children. Think about safety concerns first and foremost, and stay away from sharp edges and loose wires. Then, think about making the things in the room accessible to your toddler boy's reach - for instance, put light switches down low and have a child size table and chair for him to sit at while he plays.

Decorating Ideas for Toddler Boys' Rooms

If you're looking for a little inspiration when it comes to ideas for your toddler boy's room décor, then your first port of call should be your son himself. Toddlers are definitely old enough to know what they like and what they don't (and some toddlers definitely don't mind letting you know in no uncertain terms which is which), so have a talk with them about the kinds of things they would like to have in their bedroom. They'll love the fun of helping you plan, and they'll definitely feel like one of the big kids having some input into the room. You might be surprised at what they come up with!

If you need a few ideas to get you going, consider using one of the following themes in your child's room:

  • Disney characters, or characters from another movie or show that is loved by your child. Most of the popular children's movies and shows have a marketing department working overtime, so you are sure to find an extensive line of bedding and accessories that will match your child's favorite character.
  • Nautical themes are always a favorite with young boys. You can stencil sailboats and anchors on the walls and go for the reds and blues for your color choices.
  • World maps are an unusual theme that make a good choice for any child's room and offer the added bonus of being a theme that your child will not soon grow out of.
  • Race cars are loved by toddler aged boys, and you can even get them a race car shaped bed to bring the room together.

Your Ideas

Is your toddler boy's bedroom a triumph of interior design? Leave us a comment and share your ideas about what has worked for you, and what hasn't.

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Planning Your Toddler Boy's Bedroom: Ideas & Inspiration