Irish blessing wallpaper border gives you the chance to incorporate pride in your Irish heritage - or just your appreciation of Irish culture - into your interior design. Wallpaper borders carrying popular Irish blessings and sayings makes a unique touch in any room.
Irish Blessing Wallpaper Border - What Is It?
If you have never seen borders bearing Irish blessings, you might be taken aback by the idea of using this kind of wallpaper in a home. Although it's true that it can sometimes be difficult to work words into your interior design scheme, there are actually many beautiful, tasteful varieties of Irish blessing wallpaper border that are surprisingly adaptable to design styles and themes. The trick is to match the border to the things that are already in your room in terms of color and style. For instance, if your room has muted greens, reds, and browns or your decorating style is Old World, then borders that use muted colors, small script and feature old Celtic crosses may be the way to go. Alternatively, if your style is more funky and eclectic, then you have more room to experiment with borders with larger words and bolder text and colors.
Wondering what kinds of blessings you may find on Irish inspired wallpaper borders? The most popular blessings used are:
May the Road Rise Up and Meet You May the Wind Always be at Your Back May the Sun Shine Up Your Face And the Rain Fall Soft upon Your Fields And Until We Meet Again May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand
You can, however, find border that has many other blessings, as well as less religious Irish sayings.
Where to Buy Irish Blessing Wallpaper Border
There are tons of places online you can shop for Irish wallpaper border. We like these stores:
More Wallpaper and Border Ideas
Looking for more ideas to take your wallpaper to wow? LTK has plenty of great ideas for making your room come alive with borders, wallpaper and wall art. Don't forget to visit these articles!