Glass Tile Mosaic Murals: What They Are & How to Start One


A glass tile mosaic mural brings color and whimsy into any room. These mosaic murals can be casual or elegant, but they're always eye catching and a surefire way to give your room that "wow" factor you're after.

Glass Tile Mosaic Murals Explained

So, what exactly is a glass tile mosaic mural? These mosaics are really not any different than the glass mosaics you might see being used on tiles or outside on pavement as decoration, but instead the mosaic is mounted on a wall like a mural. Typically these wall mosaics are created directly on the wall surface, but sometimes they are created on another piece of material and then mounted on the wall.

Glass wall mural mosaics can be small and cover only a portion of the wall or very large, covering the entire length and width of the wall. The designs may be abstract or the glass tiles may be used to create picture - in fact, some people model their wall mosaics after photographs of favorite places or special memories. Color choices are limited only by the tiles you can find. Typical mosaics tend to stay within groups of cool colors, like blue and green, or warm colors, like red and yellow, accented with splashes of white, but there's no need to feel obligated to follow any standard techniques. Throw out the rule book and create a mosaic mural that suits your décor and gives you the exact look you want.

Tile Wall Mosaic Resources

If you think a mosaic mural might be right for your home, these websites offer all of the tools you need to get started:

  • Hakatai - Hakatai has an enormous selection of mosaic tiles for everything from flooring to walls, and their selection of colors and materials is hard to beat. You can order your mosaic tiles directly from their website, and if you need some inspiration, they have design guides you can order to help you assemble a great look. If you know what you want your mural to look like, but you're not sure how to pull it off, they can help you with that as well.
  • Mosaic Legs - If coming up with your own design and doing your own installation isn't for you, then check out Mosaic Legs. This company will work with you from start to finish, from coming up with a unique design that suits your style and your vision to choosing materials, to installing the final product. Of course, this specialty service does increase the price, but it's a good option for people without the time to devote to a large project or who don't feel comfortable taking on the job.
  • Tile By Design - If you want an easy-to-install, pre- designed mural, then consider Tile By Design. The mosaic murals here won't be one-of-a-kind pieces, but their extensive collection of design options means that there are a lot of choices here to satisfy a variety of tastes. This is also a good site if you want a mural design that is based on a photo or painting rather than an abstract design, as they have a wide variety of murals based on famous works of art.
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Glass Tile Mosaic Murals: What They Are & How to Start One