Decorative doorstops make a functional item and become a nice addition to your room's décor.
Origin of Decorative Doorstops
The origin of the first doorstop isn't known, but was probably created about the same time the first door was made. Ancient doors were heavy and required an equally heavy stop to keep the wind from blowing it shut. A stop, historically, was created by using all manner of objects. It was only logical that these evolved into decorative objects as well as serving a utilitarian purpose. Real craftsmanship can be found in antique and modern ones, often whimsical in design.
Two Kinds of Doorstops
There are two basic kinds of stops associated with doors. One keeps the door from slamming into the wall while the other is used to prop the door open. The latter can either be attached to the door and unfolded as a self-prop or as a stand alone decorative object.
A door wedge is a kind of stop that slips underneath the door to wedge it open. You can choose from many kinds of materials, but the most popular are cast iron or brass. Other materials used include wood, resin, glass, marble, rock, and cloth.
Antique Stops For Your Doors
You can find authentic and reproduction antique stops and wedges.
Animal Theme
Animals are a popular theme for design choices. You can purchase an elaborate one that resembles a small statue. It's simply placed on the floor in front of the door to keep the door from closing. Another style is smaller in design and slides underneath the door in the traditional fashion of a wedge. A decorative statue or artform is mounted on the end of the wedge to make it more attractive for your room.
Decorative Wedges:

Using a whimsical stop for your door is a great way to introduce a touch of the unexpected to your room design. Whimsical art objects immediately capture your attention and add an individual feel to your room. The accessories and art pieces you use to decorate your room reflect your personality and taste. Adding a novelty stop to your child's playroom or bedroom can give a flourishing touch to greet your child when she or he enters the room.
Symbols or Motifs
You can often find stops for your door that are made as symbols or motifs that can be used to repeat certain design elements you've used within your décor such as the motif, fleur di lis.
Unique Items Recycled Into Doorstops
Everyday items are often converted into stops for your door and create a conversation piece. Not only do these artifacts provide a bit of history to your décor, but are recycled and transformed into a decorative functional object.
Shepherd's Stone Weights
Shepherds have been using stone weights to keep animals from wandering away from open fields since Biblical times. Often called land anchors, these weights have an iron ring that allows a rope to be tied to the stone and assure your animal stays put.
Honduran River Rock Snail Sculptures
It may sound like an unattractive kind of object to use, but this product offers a unique combination of a natural element with an artistic twist. River rock are typically round and with smooth edges creates by the constant rush of water currents. Wrought Iron has been curled around the rock's natural shape and a stylized swan head created.
Making Your Own Doorstop
You can create a doorstop very inexpensively. All you need are a few basic items. You can use just about any weighted object.
Sew a Doorstop
If you've never tackled this kind of project, you will be surprised at some of the typical sewing items you can use to create a charming stop for your door. You can purchase a printed pillow that is in the shape of an animal or object and instead of filling it with cotton batting, fill it with rice or sand. You can also use a brick or rock for the base and fill the upper part with batting just as you would a pillow just be sure to make it stiff enough to stand up. Many animal patterns can also be used for this purpose.
Patterns for Cloth Stops:

Former Objects Get a New Life
You can probably find several potential objects that would make good reincarnated doorstops. Perhaps you have a small garden statue that has seen better days. You can clean it and then paint it with acrylic paints. Be creative. Paint bright flowers over it for a retro-mod look. Create a pattern of colors that match your décor. Think outside the box and breathe new life into a long lost treasure.
Recycle Boxes
You can add sand, rice or even a rock to a gift box and wrap with decorative paper and decoupage. You can create a bow with oven-baked clay. Paint and glaze then add to box. Add jewelry findings and other objects for an eclectic look.
No Rules on Height
You can use tall or short, big or small decorative doorstops to keep your doors open or just to add a design element to your room.