Nautical Bedroom Ideas for a Dreamy Seafaring Vibe

Nautical bedroom

If you have salt water in your blood, then putting some decorating ideas for a nautical bedroom into action in your home could be the perfect way to keep the ocean close, no matter how landlocked your home might be.Nautical themes are a fun and unique design style for a bedroom; they allow you to have a little fun with your décor and to create a room that really shows off your personal style. Land lubbers need not apply!

Why Go Nautical in the Bedroom?

Ever look around your home and think maybe you played it a little too safe in the interior design department? Everyone wants their home to look inviting and well designed, but it is very easy to always err on the side of caution when making design decisions and then end up with a home that is "nice," but in which you just don't see very much of yourself. Often, the best homes are the ones in which the décor has been spiced up a little bit; the homes that make big style statements. Nautical design styles are one way to give your home a little bit of personality and flair.

But why the bedroom? Bedrooms are the rooms in your home where you have plenty of space for design flexibility. The most peaceful and relaxing bedroom is the one that is the perfect haven for YOU. Since your bedroom is not frequented by houseguests, you don't have to be concerned about fitting your bedroom design into the style of the rest of the home. It's the perfect place to let your design style shine through! So, even if you think nautical style might be a little overwhelming for your entire home, you can indulge your seafaring ways in your bedroom.

Decorating Ideas for a Nautical Bedroom

These decorating ideas for nautical bedrooms will have you feeling like you're on the open water in no time!

  • Color is important in nautical themed rooms. White (or antique white), rust red, and navy blue are the main colors associated with nautical style. These colors are bold, so be careful not to use too heavy a hand while decorating with them. For instance, painting all of the walls in the bedroom navy blue might be a little overwhelming, especially in a small room, but you could paint an accent wall one of the nautical colors and keep the other walls in a softer color. Wallpaper and borders that have these colors also make a good choice, and of course, you can add colors through accessories (see more about accessories below). Ticking stripes in red or navy blue are also a great way to add nautical colors to your room.
  • Lighthouses and sailboats are de rigueur in nautical design, of course, and you can incorporate them into your bedroom in lots of different ways. Look for paintings of lighthouses and sailboats, or look for old photos (or take your own) of lighthouses and boats that you can frame and hang on the walls. You can find a plethora of model lighthouses and sailboats in just about any home décor store; start a collection and display them in the room. If your bedroom is large enough, sailor flags make a nice addition as well. A ship in a bottle is also an excellent touch.
  • Another option for wall art is framed sailing maps. You can find antiqued maps that trace the routes of the explorers, or you can use modern maps as well.
  • Anchors and oars, like lighthouses and boats, are common nautical motifs. Look for pillows or bedding that incorporate these images. If you have enough space, a rough hewn oar makes an eye-catching wall piece.
  • Porthole style mirrors for your walls will give your room that "at-sea" feeling.
  • Last but not least, don't forget the accessories. From your lighthouse collection to seashell collections, sea grass plants, driftwood, and sand dollars, you can bring anything that reminds you of nautical adventures into your bedroom. Also, use your accessories to bring in those bold nautical colors. Pillows, blankets and throw rugs add red and navy to your room without overdoing it. Remember, nautical style is casual and all about adventure; don't be afraid to experiment a little until you have your perfect nautical paradise.
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Nautical Bedroom Ideas for a Dreamy Seafaring Vibe