15 Spirited Easter Decoration Ideas for Extra Fun

Decorating for Easter

If you need some decorating ideas to get your home ready for a visit from the big bunny with the chocolate, look no further. These tips will help you make your home Easter-friendly while giving it a fun breath of fresh air.

Why Decorate for Easter?

For some people, decorating for holidays is a tried and true tradition. They have little knick knacks and accessories that are on a rotating basis, getting pulled out year after year as the pages on the calendar turn. For other people, the idea of holiday decorating takes a little convincing. Aside from the required Christmas decorating, many people ignore holidays when it comes to interior design. However, not only can special occasion decorating be lots of fun, it is a great way to keep your décor looking fresh and inspired.

Easter in particular is a perfect holiday for interior design projects. Why? Easter is a sign of spring, and when you decorate for this day, you also shake off the winter and get your home ready for the bright, sunny days to come. Refreshing your home with cheery Easter colors will give you a little refresher, too.

Easter Home Decor

Need some help to get your decorating Easter ideas off the ground? These suggestions should get those creative juices flowing.

Big Up the Bunny

Easter decorations

Of course, this time of year, everyone is waiting for the Easter bunny to hop along and bring them loads of candy, and this character makes a great central theme for lots of your decorating. There are plenty of ways you can work the bunny image into your design. Look for everything from pillows and blankets that have bunny designs to bunny shaped accessories. If you want to really jazz things up, trace a bunny on sheets of construction paper or cardstock in pastel colors and make your own garland. Simply cut out your shapes, string them together with a thick piece of white yarn and hang.

Don't Forget the Eggs

If the bunny is Easter theme number one, then eggs run a close second. Colorful eggs can also be worked into your décor in many different ways. Plates of homemade dyed eggs instantly turn your kitchen into a holiday inspired zone, and bowls of colorful plastic eggs make a simple centerpiece. Chocolate eggs with colored candy shells displayed in glass jars also work well.

Hands Occupied has a great idea for turning egg shells into tea lightcandle holders. It's a snap and perfect for wowing your guests at an Easter party.


After the bunny, after the eggs, everyone thinks of Easter candy this time of year, but you can put the sweet stuff to uses other than chowing down. Jelly beans, candied chocolate eggs, mini candy bars in seasonal colored wrappers, Peeps: all of these sugary treats can be turned into design gold. Simply putting out bowls of these candies around your home adds a hint of seasonal style to your décor, but also think of using the candy in unexpected ways. Look for clear, hollowed out pillar candle holders that you can fill up with candy or create a cute meadow scene centerpiece for your table using plastic grass and Peeps.

Easter Table Decorations

Easter Table

Easter decorations have distinctive motifs like other holiday themes. Bunnies are a very popular motif for an Easter centerpiece. You can find bunnies made out of all kinds of materials, such as ceramics, paper mache and even ice.

Reusable Bunny Ice Sculpture Mold

Add a wow factor to your Easter table with the unexpected. This bunny ice sculpture mold is from Sculptures in Ice and will capture your family's imagination. Place an Easter basket on its side with the Easter grass and eggs spilling out onto a bed of Spring flowers and greenery. You may want to add some Easter candy for an after dinner treat. Ice molds are a great way to create mystery and finesse to dress up your dinner table on such a special holiday.

Another Kind of Bunny

You can create a centerpiece for your table or for the serving table or buffet by using two or three ceramic bunnies. Be creative and use other material you have around the house. Use green Easter basket grass to create a bed of grass for the figurines, place ceramic, wood or dyed Easter eggs about the grass. You can add other elements to your arrangement. If your ceramic bunnies are whimsical you may want to create colorful bonnets to tie underneath their chins with a big bow. Add straw parasols for a truly fun arrangement.

Create Your Own Easter Egg Tree

Create your own stylized Easter egg tree. Take a small twig or tree branch, set it in a secure base and spray the twig white. Next, use either ceramic or wood eggs. Paint and decorate them in bright or pale Spring colors. Using colorful ribbons, thread through and eye loop and then tie each egg onto the painted twig, Make sure when you tied the ribbon onto the tree that you do so with a nice bow. If you prefer, you can create a ribbon loop with the bow slipping into place just above the egg.

Edible Centerpieces

Easter eggs in a basket as a center piece

If you're hosting an Easter dinner, then take advantage of your dessert and create a wonderful centerpiece that can be eaten at the end of the meal. Bake a cake in the shape of a bunny and decorate it. Decorate an Easter basket, drape colorful linen napkins inside and fill with home-baked cookies in the shape of chicks, bunnies, and Easter eggs.

Nest of Eggs in Grasses

Purchase coconut coir and spread down the center of the table length. Buy colorful small bowls and place wheat grasses in them. Space these along the center of the coir. Next, add tulips and daisies or Easter lilies spaced among the grass. Use decorated or dyed Easter eggs and place within the arrangement as though ready for an Easter egg hunt.

Rabbit Patch

If you have a collection of ceramic rabbits, used them for your centerpiece runner. Use Easter basket grass and create a runner down the length of your table. Next place your rabbits within the grass. You can add colorful ribbon streamers and candies. Don't forget to add some decorated or dyed Easter eggs and candles for a very fluid and fun centerpiece.

Grass Is Greener

Use a variety of different colored Easter basket grasses and place a yellow patch, a green patch and a pink (or purple) patch spaced along the length of the table like a bird's nest. Colored Easter eggs can be placed inside the round grass nests. Use streams of green, yellow and pink (purple) ribbons between the grass nests. Place tall column yellow candles set on white candle holders among the streamers for a polished look. Add a mixture of greenery and twigs if you need more material for volume. Another idea would be to use a painted pastel Easter egg garland as a runner for your table, add a few pastel column candles.

Nest Place Card Holders

Easter card holder

Use green Easter basket grass and make a small bird's nest, add a small twig and several candy eggs. Place a small bunny or chick beside the nest that can serve as a card holder. If you prefer a different card holder, use a hot glue gun to attach a red, yellow or blue bird on the twig just above the nest. Fix the twig so it can also serve as a place card holder. Create a nest place card holder for each of your dinner guests.

Other Easter Decorating Ideas

  • Scented candles, especially floral scents, will give your home a bright, cheery feel
  • Fresh flowers, like daffodils, will bring home the notion that spring has sprung
  • Swap your table linens for crisp white or pastel colors. Go a step further and look for a tablecloth or mats with an Easter motif
  • Scatter Easter baskets strategically around the house
  • Use wreaths, both inside and out, that incorporate Easter colors and symbols

Creating Beautiful and Fun Decorations

All it takes is a little imagination and a touch of creativity, and you can create a captivating Easter scene anywhere in your home. Sprinkle a few touches of Easter and spring throughout your home for a fun and cohesive look.

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15 Spirited Easter Decoration Ideas for Extra Fun