5 Essential Tips to Bring Budget Design Ideas to Life

Your budget doesn't have to stand in the way of your design dreams

If you have Ethan Allen tastes with a Target budget, the best budget decorating ideas can help you create the home of your dreams while keeping your bank balance equally pleasing. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get the look you want, as long as you keep a few basic ideas in mind.

Best Budget Design Ideas

Become a Smart Shopper

No matter what your personal design inspiration, hands down, the most important principle to keep in mind is that how you shop matters. You absolutely do not have to sacrifice style to stay on budget. From Target to Marshall's and every discount store in between, you can score beautiful pieces for your home that will stand the test of time. Look through interior design magazines and higher priced stores and catalogs for inspiration, and then go budget store shopping to recreate the look. You may have to invest a little extra time into your shopping, but it will pay off at the cash register.

When you shop also matters, especially if you like to update your décor from season to season. Shop for holiday decorations after the holiday and put them aside for next year. Buy your spring touches in summer and so on - planning ahead will help you build up a nice collection of seasonal designs at a fraction of the price.


OK, you may not be able to install a new bathroom without a little bit of know-how, but even the most do-it-yourself challenged design enthusiast can master jobs like painting, stenciling and hanging wallpaper. These relatively easy to manage tasks can completely revolutionize the look of a room, and when you do it yourself, you can save a fortune on labor costs.

Rely on Accessories

New dining room sets and sofas are expensive. Pillows, wall décor and throw rugs are not. You can dramatically change the style of a room - and take it over the top - with these little touches.

Reuse and Recycle

Want to avoid paying full price for anything in your house? Start thinking in terms of what something CAN be instead of what it is right now. Yard sales, flea markets, thrift shops, auctions and even the classified ads can be great sources for big ticket items like furniture at significantly reduced costs. The trick is to look for items that have been gently used but that still have a lot of life left in them. Don't be too worried about not liking the upholstery, color or cosmetic things like that. As long as there is a sturdy base in place, you can turn that used piece of furniture into a unique piece that you love. A lick of paint or stain, a slipcover, some new cushions - all of these relatively inexpensive tricks can help you re-purpose a cut rate piece of used furniture into something special.

Stick to the Plan

Nothing sucks a design budget dry like a project without a plan. Picking up this thing here, another thing there - these little items add up fast, and pretty soon, not only is your budget dry, but you probably have lots of disjointed pieces that don't really create the look you had in mind. From deciding to take your living room from casual to formal, to major jobs like a kitchen remodel, never embark on any interior design project without plan. Know exactly what look you want, what you will need to create it - and of course, how much you have to spend. Having a plan will help you stretch your tight budget since you'll be spending your money more effectively - on exactly what you need to create your dream space.

Budget Inspiration

Keeping an eye on the bottom line doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style or compromise on creating the exact home you want to have. Looking for more inspiration? These articles will help:

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5 Essential Tips to Bring Budget Design Ideas to Life